Inscriptions from NY.NY.NYU

The Department of Classics at New York University has a collection of some fifty Greek and Latin inscriptions, mostly gravestones from the city of Rome. Six of the stones once belonged to the collection of the Archaeological Museum of the Johns Hopkins University and were published by H. L. Wilson between 1909 and 1914 in the American Journal of Philology (see MD.Balt.JHU). Half a dozen others (including a Greek epitaph from Rome) were purchased by Professor Casper J. Kraemer of New York University for his private collection from an antiquities dealer in Rome and were edited by Donald Prakken in the American Journal of Archaeology 58 (1954) 321-22 before passing into the possession of the Department of Classics.

A few miscellaneous inscriptions - an Etruscan bucchero aryballos of the 7th century BCE, a fragmentary Roman funerary altar recording dimensions of a small burial plot, and four terracotta molded lamps with maker's stamps - were published by Larissa Bonfante and Blair Fowlkes(-Childs) in Classical Antiquities at New York University (2006). Michael Peachin published the remaining forty-eight inscriptions, which had been prepared by students in a Roman epigraphy seminar he taught at New York University in fall of 2010, in Greek and Latin Inscriptions at New York University (2014). These include two medieval inscriptions (one a brickstamp), one apparent forgery of a Latin epitaph inscribed on a genuine Roman ash urn, and what appears to be an exact copy of the fragmentary consular fasti from Teanum Sidicinum in central Italy, of which the original, once preserved at the American Academy in Rome (where, presumably, the copy was made), was returned to the comune of Teano in 2002. A second copy of the same fasti is preserved in the collection of Columbia University (see NY.NY.CU.Butl.). Three inscribed stones once in the possession of the department (all published) are now lost. All of the inscriptions were evidently acquired in Rome and may be presumed to have originated there.

( Total: 59 ) Jump to: Greek | Latin | Etruscan


