Inscriptions from CA.Malibu.JPGM

The Getty Museum in Malibu has within a few years assembled one of the most distinguished and extensive collections of ancient art in the United States. The inscribed materials include sculpture, bronzes, architectural elements, vases, pottery, gems, and much else. Since 1974 many individual pieces have received treatment in articles in the J. Paul Getty Museum Journal, and in the late 1980s and 1990s there have begun to appear a series of fine volumes, Catalogues of the Collections, The J. Paul Getty Museum, that will eventually provide a complete publication of the holdings. Those most useful for inscriptions are: G. Koch, Roman Funerary Sculpture (Malibu 1988), J. Spier, Ancient Gems and Finger Rings (Malibu 1992); and M. Pfrommer, Metalwork from the Hellenized East (Malibu 1993).

( Total: 169 ) Jump to: Greek | Latin | Etruscan | Undecided



